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A Heart Transformed
by Lisa Steele, FLM Executive Director En Español With slumped and trembling shoulders, the man standing beside me kept repeating, “Tenga misericordia” (Have mercy) as we prayed. His wife, Rosa, stood nearby in their tiny kitchen, silently praying ...
Wisdom and Knowledge
by Lisa Steele, FLM Executive Director En Español We welcomed a record-setting 104 students to our Por Los Niños Christian School this month to begin the 2024 school year, along with three new teachers and a new Head of School. We are thankful for ...
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Join Us in the Journey
by Lisa Steele, FLM Executive Director En Español The New Year brings a time of reflection with the hope for positive change. As Christians, this thought goes beyond a resolution to eat better, exercise more, start a new hobby, or even read our ...
The Faces of Catacamas
by Lisa Steele, FLM Executive Director En Español We served a record number of 102 children this year at Family Life Missions. And these are not just numbers—these are lives that have been transformed because of our many supporters. Because of your ...


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